The Challenges
Overcrowded guided trip market, leaving users confused and overwhelmed.
Hidden costs in many trips.
Difficulty in determining which trip fits specific user needs and preferences.
Travel offers often look too similar, making it hard to visualize and choose a particular trip.
The Solutions
A specific and highly detailed guided trip offering that emphasizes the value proposition from multiple angles.
Easy access to crucial information, such as target audience, required items, available languages, and what the price includes.
A full trip itinerary with accompanying pictures and detailed information about specific locations.
A presentation focused on visuals, such as videos and photographs, making it easier for users to digest and feel inspired.
Gen Z and Millennials love guided tours
A mix of comfort and local experiences
Of 1,000 U.S. individuals who traveled for leisure at least once in the past 12 months, 70% plan to book a guided tour for the next year, according to the survey. Roughly two in five Millennial and Gen Z travelers surveyed had booked a guided tour in the past year.
The problem
As interest in guided tours grows, the number of available options can overwhelm users. Where is the sweet spot between effective promotion that drives conversions and a user-friendly experience?
Encouraging users to book in the tourism industry
I analyzed three websites, examining both the trip booking process and how visuals are used to guide and inspire users toward conversion. The companies I audited were Travel Shift, Land of Ride, and Adventure Kingdom.
The most influential factors in buying guided trips
Who decides to go on organized travel trips?
The design begins
Splash of interaction to keep users engaged.
Desktop Scroll
Mobile Scroll
Accessibility Evaluation
Project Overview
During the project, I evaluated the tourism industry market and conducted a competitive audit to find out how other companies approach design in this industry. To determine the most influential factors that motivate people to invest in guided trips, I ran a quick online user survey. Based on previous research, I created personas and started designing. I began with low-fidelity sketches and later developed them into high-fidelity UI with a design system. To add another layer to the design, I created interactions and animations. I also ran an accessibility contrast check to ensure that my project is accessible.
As this was a project made for portfolio purposes, I won't be able to measure the success of my design. However, if it were made as an actual landing page, I would measure the following:
Conversion Rate – The percentage of users who booked a Madeira Travl trip. This would be a direct KPI measure of the design's success.
Scroll Depth – Since it’s a one-page design, scroll depth would show how far along users are engaging with it and could help identify any problematic parts of the design.
My learnings
Even though the landing page design is not an extensive project, it still requires a lot of work and attention to ensure it's well thought out and addresses user needs and pain points. I also had the chance to enhance my skills in designing interactions and animations, which were a significant part of this project.